<aside> 👏 Hi and welcome!
First of all, I applaud you for taking action to kick your habit. You’ve already separated yourself from 90% of the world, and soon you’ll be separating yourself from your old you.
Addictions are a bitch, and I speak from personal experiences when I say that. I used this dashboard to kick my own 10 year long weed habit (with success!)
First of all, you need to prepare for quitting. You’ve got to get the right mindset about it, and you do that by figuring out why you actually want to quit.
Before you do that, you need to have some essential information on addiction - why does it have such a hold on you, and what can you do to prevent it from having that?
Here’s the link to a long form article describing the mechanisms of addiction, but if you’re lazy, I’ve added a short resumé below:
”*Addiction is general terms when a substance or action hijacks the pleasure center of your brain.
When you watch your favorite TV show or eat your favorite meal, your brain produces dopamine which is a “happiness”-chemical, that tells your body and brain to get more of this great stuff.
Now the tricky part is this: pleasurable stuff release dopamine, but working out your body or taking a run - the uncomfortable stuff - also release dopamine.
That means we have the good and the bad dopamine. Your brain and body doesn’t know the difference, but you do. And thus, the power of which dopamine you want to feed your brain, is in your hands.
That’s the exact reason why you can actually quit. Because the control lies with your rational mind - the mind that chooses to not eat that bag of sweets or smoke that joint.”*
I’m rooting for you and I believe in you.
Now go kick some ass!
<aside> ✅ If you need anything else at all, you’re always welcome to shoot me a DM on Twitter or write me an email at [email protected]
If you do succeed in kicking your bad habit, I have a few suggestions for templates I also made, that you might find interesting next. If not, please scroll past it and proceed to the template setup guide! 😄
All in 1 Health Management tool (Gumroad link)
Appreciate life more by knowing how long you have left (Gumroad link)
<aside> 👏 Finding your why....
Come up with all the bad things you can think of when you endulge in your addiction. Include them in the cons section.
Next, make a list of all the good things it’ll bring you if you quit. Add them to the pros sections.
Use this list of pros/cons to write down a summarized version that’ll function as your why. For stronger results, put your why in “I”-form, so you’ll trigger your subconscious mind every time you read it.
<aside> 👏 Setting your quitting date....
Preferably find a date a week in advance from actually quitting, so you can either lower your usage over time, or alternatively, get in the right mindset to actually quit.
Simply replace the date by typing your own.
For the tally counter you see above, simply go to Indify.co and register an account.
Follow this video guide to set up a tally, but instead of choosing “Countdown”, you simply choose the “Counter” widget instead and do exactly the same:
(note: If you don’t embed your own counter, it’ll change everytime someone else changes the one found in the duplicate link)
<aside> 👏 Your emergency list....
I hope this one speaks for itself.
<aside> 👏 Setting up your milestones...
First you need to sign up at https://indify.co/ to have access to the free widgets I use in this template. It’s easy to do, no worries.
Choose the Countdown-widget, set it up to 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months and 24 months from your quitting date (yes, you’ll need to make 5 different ones).
Go back to Notion, type /embed and paste link from Indify to embed the Milestone.
If you’re still in doubt about how, I made this guide for you:
<aside> 👏 Using the symptom timeline...
The symptom timeline is really easy to use and don’t need much explaining. It gives you an overview of what to expect in the first few days and weeks.
<aside> 👏 Using the journal...
used Notion before, I made a guide just in case: